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Star Citizen

The Guide to the Galaxy
This is a step by step tutorial for new Star Citizens: where to find the ship retrieval consoles, how to get to a destination and everything in between ...

Star Citizen From Leavsden to Teasa Spaceport
Here is a map and guide to finding your way from the Lorville Hab unit at Leavesden to the Teasa Spaceport hangars ...

Star Citizen Microtech
Microtech and its Tressler Space Station are the source of tech that can be sold to the rest of the solar system ...

Star Citizen Security Post Kareah at Cellin
You can clear your Crime Stat at Security Post Kareah, a space station in orbit around Cellin, a moon of Crusader ...

Star Citizen Grim Hex at Yela
Grim Hex, also known as the Green Imperial Housing Exchange, is a facility built into a large rock in the rings of Yela, a moon of Crusader ...

Star Citizen: Essential Keyboard Controls
Here are the controls that will help you the most. Clear the clutter by getting to know these keys first then add more when you need to ...

Star Citizen: How to Find and Access Your Ship
Use a map to get from your hab unit to a Fleet Management Terminal, then use this guide to get to your ship your ship ...

Star Citizen Lorville Central Business District
The Central Business District is located in the imposing H shaped Hurston Dynamics building in Lorville at Hurston ...

Star Citizen Guide to the Galaxy
The Star Citizen Guide to the Galaxy is here to help you find your way around! Here is an index of the most popular articles ...

Star Citizen Jumptown on Yela
Jumptown is where you used to be able to buy the drug Widow and sell on at one of the local mining establishments with a 70% profit margin ...

Star Citizen Lorville on Hurston
Lorville is a city on Hurston with an integral spaceport, business district and shopping areas connected by rail transit buses ...

Star Citizen Satellite & Javelin Wrecks
Here are the directions to a couple of interesting wrecks you can track down: a satellite on Hurston and a Javelin on Daymar ...

Star Citizen Area 18 on ArcCorp
Area 18 is the primary location on ArcCorp. Transit buses circulate between Area 18, the Spaceport and the Bevic Convention Center ...

Star Citizen Flight, Refuel, Repair & Navigation
Here are the considerations and how-tos for takeoff, flight and auto landing. The revised control model is great for mouse and keyboard ...