MSFS: Best Quest 3 PCVR Configuration

MSFS: Best Quest 3 PCVR Configuration

The Quest 3 headset can be used with Microsoft Flight Simulator with excellent clarity and smoothness. You just need the right configuration ...
A FlyingIron Spitfire Quick-Start Guide for X-Plane

A FlyingIron Spitfire Quick-Start Guide for X-Plane

If you are struggling to get your new FlyingIron Spitfire into the air here are the essential steps that will get you into the blue as soon as possible ...
Floyds Alpine Odyssey

Floyds Alpine Odyssey

Floyds Alpine Odyssey is a 1000 mile glider route through the Alps starting at the Southern coast of France and ending in Eastern Austria ...
IL-2 Sturmovik VR Modules

IL-2 Sturmovik VR Modules

The IL-2 buying list is confusing - here's a good starting point for VR pilots who don't want to buy the non-VR modules ...
MSFS: In-Sim Settings

MSFS: In-Sim Settings

In this article we look at the graphics and data settings that are available within the Microsoft Flight Simulator itself ...
MSFS: Hardware etc

MSFS: Hardware etc

This page contains notes on some of the hardware you may be interested in for upgrading the VR experience ...