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MSFS: Create a RAM Drive for the Rolling Cache
You can speed up data transfers and temporary files by creating a RAM drive and using that as a rolling cache for MSFS ...

Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Explained
A quick guide to Bitcoin that starts off with an overview before going a little deeper into how it works and where it came from ...

Fourier Analysis in a Nutshell
Fourier transforms are used to decompose waveforms into a set of discrete frequencies and to reconstitute them. This is how the core of the idea works ...

Auto View Distance Utility for X-Plane
LFD's Auto View Distance utility will optimise X Plane's graphics engine dynamically to bring you the best results for your chosen configuration ...

MSFS: Clear Memory to Prevent Stutter
Over long periods of time MSFS accumulates a lot of standby memory that results in stutters. You can prevent this by clearing unused memory ...

Graphics Tech
Image quality for real-world simulations depends on the techniques used to render images. Here are some of the methods used ...

The CpuHog Download & User Guide
Find processes that might be ruining your smooth flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator with the CpuHog process monitor ...

Voice Control for Gaming
VoiceAttack is a great little utility that provides the means to control games and other apps with voice commands that work like magic ...

The Search for a Random Number Generator
A bit shifting random number generator makes a great, compact source of random numbers. It's quick and effective but is also very cute ...

Cell World: Cell and Plants Animation
The first two stages in the development of an evolution sim called Cell World. Cells move independently and plants radiate out from a point source ...