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How Gravitational Waves are Detected
The LIGO detector is an instrument that uses laser pulses to measure minute ripples in space-time caused by gravitational waves ...

13.79 Billion Years in a Nutshell
The age of the universe is estimated to be 13.7965 billion years. Here is a high level breakdown of the stages that led from there to here ...

Quantum Physics in a Nutshell
Quantum Physics is the science of the very small. It has revealed the construction and behaviour of the atomic and sub-atomic worlds ...

Graphics Tech
Image quality for real-world simulations depends on the techniques used to render images. Here are some of the methods used ...

From Chemistry to Life
The emergence of life might be due to the stepwise construction of increasingly sophisticated sets of self replicating molecules ...

The Climactic Effects of Earth’s Orbital Cycles
There are three orbital features that combine to shape the Earth's natural climate cycles, known as the Milankovitch cycles ...

Saturated Fats, Trans Fats and Unsaturated Fats Explained
Ingesting trans-fat and saturated fat increases blood cholesterol, but the level of cholesterol you have depends upon a combination of factors ...

Spanish Volcanoes & Potentially Pointless Pumice Properties
I didn’t know there were volcanoes in Europe or that I’d be stood in the middle of them… Someone has been keeping quiet about this! ...

Fay Juggles with Causal Sets
Fay Dowker is attempting to extend Causal Set Theory to learn about time and gravity and make a bridge with quantum theory ...